what would happen to you if you were swallowed by a giantess

Perhaps when you were a kid, you read "Pinocchio" and wondered, huh, what happens if a whale swallows a person.

Lobster diver Michael Packard can probably tell you. That's because, equally the Greatcoat Cod Times reported, a humpback whale swallowed Packard whole while he looked for lobsters in Provincetown, Massachusetts.

Packard said he'd been diving when he felt something nudge him. The next thing he knew, everything was completely dark. He knew he wasn't inside a great white shark considering there were no apparent wounds. Packard started to struggle, and suddenly he saw light. The whale had surfaced, started moving its caput from side to side, and and then he was dorsum in the water.

Packard claims he spent about thirty to forty seconds inside the whale before it surfaced and spat him back out. He'due south now in a infirmary recovering from his injuries. NBC 10 Boston said Packard dislocated his knee joint and suffered soft tissue damage to his legs.

Whale experts said the murky waters of Greatcoat Cod perchance made it hard for a fast-moving humpback whale to avoid anything information technology's not supposed to swallow. So information technology may have accidentally slurped Packard while information technology fed in the waters.

Whales rarely swallow people, and they definitely practise non eat humans. Only Packard is not the showtime reported person to spend some fourth dimension inside a whale. Live Scientific discipline wrote diver Rainer Schimpf plant himself inside a Bryde's whale in South Africa.

It's super dark

Information technology'south piece of cake to think a whale can consume a person. They are some of the largest creatures in the world and serve a vital link in the ecosystem. Most whales, especially the humpback, feed on small-scale ocean creatures such every bit krill. What this means is that their bodies are more suited to filtering seawater than crunching and munching fragile human bones.

Smithsonian Magazine explained some whales similar the whale shark know they're non supposed to consume people, so if they accidentally close their mouths effectually something they're not supposed to, these whales will spit you out. This was exactly what happened to both Packard and Schimpf.

It's not all good, though. According to INSH, there'southward a story of a crewman swallowed by a sperm whale, so we might have an idea of what bodies go through. Toothed whales like the sperm whale can lacerate a victim with their sharp teeth. These are about as long as an average chef's pocketknife, and they take 40 to l of these bad boys. But that'south not fifty-fifty the more dangerous thing that tin happen to you within a whale.

If you survive the sharp knives masquerading equally teeth, it's time to squeeze through the esophagus. Sperm whales oft swallow prey like squid whole, so humans can make information technology through their throat. A whale'southward throat is not only a tight space, but it's also dark and slimy. Y'all'll also feel slightly empty-headed from the lack of oxygen and high marsh gas content in the air.

Spotter out for the acids

The whale uses its muscles to force y'all downwards and starts dissolving foreign material with hydrochloric acid.

Once you brand information technology through the throat, you lot'll observe yourself in the stomach. Well, one of iv stomachs. INSH said y'all'll possibly become a break from the unrelenting darkness thanks to some bioluminescent squid. You might detect in their glow that it looks like your body is disintegrating; that's all thank you to more stomach acids.

As before long as yous kickoff enjoying the lite, though, the whale'south digestive organisation will brainstorm to move your body through its other stomachs. While going through the residuum of the guts, more acids volition break down more of your peel, organs, and muscle.

Eventually, y'all'll attain the anus, and your body will exist ejected. Unfortunately, you'll be left as just basic later the stomach acids completely disintegrated your flesh.

Merely call back that sailor who supposedly got eaten past a sperm whale? While in that location'due south some doubt to his story, he apparently survived the inside of a sperm whale with acids only bleaching his skin white and turning him bullheaded. Okay, and then the science doesn't bear his story out, but it'southward something to promise for in the very rare case you find yourself inside a whale.

So next time you detect yourself thinking about Pinocchio being swallowed past a whale, just know that'south he'due south not a real boy, and he'll survive.


Source: https://www.grunge.com/436305/what-happens-to-your-body-if-youre-swallowed-by-a-whale/

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