what to do when you have the urge to eat

3 Steps for Dealing with the Urge to Eat When You Aren't Hungry | Weight Loss for Foodies

One of the biggest  challenges  for people trying to lose weight is what to do when  they feel similar eating but aren ' t hungry. That ' south the reason people are overweight considering they don ' t swallow in response to their hunger and fullness signals.

They consume because someone brought pastries or pizza to piece of work , considering they ' re up fix most something someone  did  or didn ' t do , or for entertainment . There are at least a m  reasons why people choose to consume  that have admittedly nothing to do with their trunk ' s need for nutrient .

I ' m a weight loss omnibus for foodies, and because diets don ' t work, I accept a different arroyo. I f you lot want to lose weight without dieting  or depriving yourself of the foods you beloved , it is essential to get in touch with your trunk ' due south hunger signals  and only eat in response to them. Y'all meet,  when yous eat when you aren ' t hungry, your body stores that energy as fat. That ' south how you gain weight.

And don ' t say , " But I ' k eating healthy nutrient! "  Y'all can overeat healthy food. I know. I did it for years.

Most of u.s. experience two kinds of hunger. " B ody hunger " is when your body needs food for energy. Information technology ' due south the kind of hunger you feel in your belly. It produces hunger pangs, a hollow feeling or fifty-fifty lightheadedness or mild headaches. When our body gives u.s. that physical hunger signal, nosotros should answer past eating.

And so at that place is that urge  to eat for any other reason. I telephone call that "head hunger . " This indicate doesn ' t come from your belly. Information technology comes from habits adult to united states of america east  food to gear up things it can ' t prepare. Like to be  your friend when you ' re lone. That kind of thing.

A good clue that y'all ' re experiencing head hunger is when you aren ' t certain what you want to eat, or you definitely crave something like crunchy or sweet foods. If you ' re non sure, inquire yourself whether a cup of plain yogurt or a banana would practice the play a trick on. If you just desire something  exciting to eat, you probably aren ' t experiencing body hunger.

All this  means that to lose weight, you accept to learn how to deal with the urge to eat when you aren ' t hungry. That urge is a addiction. Like any addiction, you can alter it.

3 Steps for Dealing with the Urge to Eat When You Aren't Hungry | Weight Loss for Foodies

​​ Here ' s how that works.

  1. Start with your idea . Call back, that ' s all the urge to swallow is when yous aren ' t hungry . It ' s only  a idea. It ' due south t hat l ittle voice in your head saying , " I want chocolate! "  or " that looks adept "  or " I deserve that . "  You accept tens of thousands of thoughts each mean solar day and you don ' t deed on the great bulk of them. If yo u had a thought , " I wonder what it would be like to endeavour heroin, " y ou would ignore that ane, right? Acknowledge that the urge to eat  is  just a nother  thought. Observe it and choose to not act on it .  I like to  visual ize  letting the thought float away like a helium balloon. Often, if you ignore it, the urge  will be gone in a few minutes. Sometimes, it  may come up back, but you lot tin just notice it  and release it again.
  2. Don ' t reward the urge. Accept you ever trained a dog? When the dog sits on command, you requite him a care for, and that  encourages him to practice it the next time you give the command. The same is true for giving into the urge  to eat . Psychologically, you ' re reinforcing that beliefs.
  3. Keep it up. The converse is besides truthful. You can reinforce n ew habits with repetition . T o change a habit, yous have to echo the new  behavior  over and over  again . H abits  are  like well-worn paths  in our brains. Oftentimes the longer we appoint in the habit, the more worn the path is, making the habit more entrenched. It takes  longer to modify our behavior. When we let the urge to eat when we aren 't hungry laissez passer , that path gets overgrown while we make a new path with the new habit of eating only when nosotros  a re hungry . This is how due north europlasticity actually works. If nosotros give into the urge , the quondam familiar path starts getting worn down again . Stay on the new path!

On the other hand, yo u tin can retrieve of the positive furnishings of your efforts and use that to reinforce the decision to allow  these urges  pass . W hen I was learning to e at when I was hungry, and got the urge to eat for other reasons, I would remember, " I ' ve worked too difficult at changing my habit to undo all of that effort! "  I used my progress every bit an incentive to go on going.  Then I would congratulate myself by proverb something similar, "Yay! Yous didn't eat when you weren't hungry. Dainty work!"

The same was truthful with overeating. When eating a delicious restaurant repast, I sometimes would want to keep eating after my body had enough. I would think of how good I felt non overeating, how good it felt to have lost weight, and would decide that those extra bites just weren ' t worth feeling bloated afterward  or gaining the weight back . Again, it was all about my thinking.

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Nigh the author

Shari Broder

I'm passionate virtually helping foodies ditch dieting and lose the weight for expert. I can help you discover what is really causing your weight issues (it isn't that you lot dear food!), and teach you how to end obsessing almost food and make peace with food and eating. I love teaching women how to get off the diet hamster cycle and learn to eat consciously, stop emotional eating and enjoy the foods they love while permanently losing their desire to overeat.


Source: https://sharibroder.com/3-steps-for-dealing-with-the-urge-to-eat-when-you-arent-hungry/

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