Rafael Penuela, CEO of Manroland Sheetfed at drupa 2016. Photo PSA

Rafael Penuela, CEO of Manroland Sheetfed initiated drupa 2016'south kickoff press conference past very calmy showing the confidence in the potent viability of the company renewed every bit a division of the British Langley group. He said that the now Euro 300 one thousand thousand turnover company has been profitable over the past four years. Manroland Sheetfed gives out its almanac report not just because of its robust viability but also because the report is an example of how offset print with value add features can leap off the folio and is however the best and nigh toll effective way of mass advice. In answer to my question to him, Penuela said that roughly fifty% of the company's revenues are from new printing sales and the balance 50% from the sales of spare parts and service and consulting revenues.

The new Manroland Sheetfed 700 Evolution press being demonstrated live at drupa 2022 is an viii-colour printing with foiler and doublecoater built for a Swiss carton printer which specializes in pharma cartons. A press like this with the new automation features and touchpad like interface can be bought for something similar 3 to iii.5 one thousand thousand Euros.

Well its begun and judging from the old-timers in the printing room and from some of the young' guns too, drupa is the only game time in town – significant that information technology still enjoys the very special identify in a very special industry that has been a battered but is adapting and still innovating, changing and will abound. By the way, I happily received an SMS from Sunil Khullar saying that he enjoyed the June result of Indian Printer and Publisher – both Itu Chaudhuri's encompass story on the uncoolnes of Indian language newspapers and my story on whether drupa can be played similar cricket.

The new Manroland Sheetfed 700 Evolution press being demonstrated live at drupa 2016. Photo PSA

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