Constabulary & Order: SVU is one of the longest-running criminal offence drama series on television. With a whopping 22 seasons on the air, at that place take been many memorable storylines and crimes that fans can't forget. Some storylines had fans on the edge of their seats with anticipation, while others had fans ugly crying.

The show centers around sexual crimes and special victims, meaning there have been some episodes that are difficult to get through. The bear witness gives fans a riveting wait into a roughshod reality while also making them invested in the stories of its chief characters. In the prove's time, fans can easily recollect storylines that left them in heartbreak.

x "Babe Killer" (Flavor 2, Episode v)

The squad faced their most morally difficult case yet in season 2. The example in "Infant Killer" centered around a shooting at a local school that left a young girl dead. The squad and the audition weren't expecting the prime suspect to be a young 7-year-one-time male child, Elias (Nicolas Martí Salgado). As the investigation went on, the squad battled with their morals as to whether or non the child should be tried as an adult for his criminal offense.

It was heartbreaking as the squad learned the truth backside the victim's adventitious death. Elias planned to shoot a local drug gang fellow member, who was after him. While Elias gets pardoned by the court and the victim'due south family, he'southward later killed by a 12-year-old.

9 "Uncle" (Flavor viii, Episode iv)

"Uncle" was a season viii episode that gave fans more insight into Munch's family, and it was a tear-jerker. The squad investigates the rape and murder of a mother and daughter and a homeless human being becomes their main suspect. However, the homeless man turns out to exist Munch's uncle, Andrew (Jerry Lewis). Andrew had a mental breakup when he arrived in New York months prior, leaving him homeless and unaware of who he is.

As Andrew is no longer a doubtable, the team begins to focus on someone else, simply they accept insufficient evidence to convict. Fans felt remorse every bit Munch's uncle takes justice into his own hands and goes likewise far. Realizing his grave mistake, Andrew instead takes the option to go to a psychiatric hospital to seek treatment for his illness. Fans felt sad for Munch and his predicament.

8 "Legacy" (Flavour 2, Episode 4)

The season 2 episode was a hard storyline to see play out on screen and had fans feeling Munch's inner turmoil. What was harder was that the case is based on a real-life example. In "Legacy," a young seven-year-onetime girl lays comatose in the hospital and the squad suspects the little girl to have been abused. As the case goes on, it takes a big impact on Munch.

As information technology turns out, the daughter'southward mother abused her girl for attending, leaving her daughter in a blackout. Fans felt even more emotional in one case Munch tells Benson a story from his teen years. Coming home from school, Munch would oftentimes see a petty daughter with bruises sitting on her stoop. One twenty-four hours the girl disappeared and Munch discovered that her mother killed her. Munch felt guilt over not helping the lilliputian girl.

seven "Honor" (Season 2, Episode 2)

"Honor" had a brutal and heartwrenching storyline that was difficult to tummy without tearing upwardly. A young woman is found beaten, stabbed, and raped in the park. The squad learns the immature woman was a journalism student and the daughter of an Afghan diplomat.

The instance gets more circuitous as the team uncovers that her father disapproved of her turning her back on tradition and having a fellow. Audiences were heartbroken to learn that the victim's ain brother murdered her in an honor killing. At the end of the episode, the squad finds the victim'southward mother murdered for helping seek justice for her girl.

6 "Return Of The Prodigal Son" (Flavor 22, Episode 9)

Fans were buzzing after learning that the famed graphic symbol, Elliot Stabler, would exist returning to the Constabulary & Order franchise. Stabler made his return in the SVU episode, "The Return of the Prodigal Son." The episode had fans on the edge of their seats and violent upwards at the Benson and Stabler reunion.

Stabler is in town with Kathy for Olivia'due south big advantage dinner, but Kathy is attacked and left in critical condition, leaving Stabler and the squad to find the culprit. Fans shed tears every bit Benson and Stabler opened the flood gates about their unresolved emotions the day he left. To make matters even more tragic, Kathy succumbed to her injuries and passed abroad.

5 "Swing" (Flavor 10, Episode three)

Stabler hasn't always been the all-time male parent during his time in theSVU and his morals as a detective and begetter are put to the test in "Swing." Stabler answers a B&Eastward and finds the culprit to be his daughter, Kathleen. The storyline was incredibly emotional as Stabler struggles with learning that Kathleen has bipolar.

Unsure on how to cope, Stabler, visits his female parent who has the same condition, and rehashes old wounds. Stabler as well battles with his task as a detective and arresting his daughter for her crime. It was heartwrenching to picket Stabler'south internal battle betwixt being a begetter and a detective.

4 "Pornstar's Requiem" (Season 16, Episode 5)

"Pornstar'southward Requiem" brought to light the misconstrued opinions order has on people in the developed entertainment industry. A college student's side task as a porn extra is discovered by her classmates. Tragically, Evie (Hannah Marks) not but faces ridicule at school, but she is also raped by her classmates.

What had fans more gutted was when the case went to trial. Evie's decision to exist a porn actress is chastised by anybody and used against her. Kicked out of school and with no support, Evie is further ruined when her assailants are found not guilty. It was heartbreaking to run across Evie'southward story and she returned to her work, all the while challenging viewers' biases, stating it was the only identify where people respected her for maxim "No."

three "Burned" (Season 8, Episode 11)

Stabler and Benson are at their wits' end when a woman accuses her ex-husband of raping her. Valerie'southward (Michael Michele) ex has no tape of abuse or by crimes and Valerie refuses to allow her daughter to be a witness. As her ex is released, Benson and Stable butt heads on the he-said-she-said of the state of affairs, but Benson is convinced that Valerie is in danger.

The real tear-jerker moment is when Valerie is attacked and assail burn by her ex. Benson and Stabler visit her at the burn unit for information. Every bit they leave, they hear her loud and gut-wrenching screams of hurting.

ii "Murdered At A Bad Address" (Season 21, Episode 6)

Non only was the primary storyline upsetting but as well the small storyline that occurred with Benson. The assault of a teenage daughter in the projects leads the squad to unearth evidence from an old example. Carlos Hernandez (Guillermo Diaz) was wrongfully imprisoned for the double murder of his sister and mother.

Fans saw the emotional struggle of Carlos being accused of the murder, only also the tear-jerking moment when his charges are dropped and he finally gets to walk a free homo. Fans can remember the emotional scene when his cuffs are removed, but withal he nonetheless walked like an inmate. The episode also had the storyline of Benson's blood brother, Simon. Benson sends him a voicemail to not contact her after he doesn't testify upward for lunch. Benson subsequently breaks down, every bit Simon is found dead and her just family is at present gone.

1 "The Undiscovered Country" (Season 19, Episode xiii)

The case of an baby gone missing was the hardest case Barba ever had to face and ultimately leaves him to make a hard determination. The missing infant has mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome-affect, leaving the squad and parents to fight over a right-to-die case.

Barba becomes heavily invested in the instance and the morals surrounding it. The mother wants her child to die peacefully, merely unable to make the tough determination, Barba decides to do it for her. Barba goes to trial but fights his case and in the finish, Barba decides to resign from his career altogether, stating that the globe has become too heinous to tum and unfair.

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