Star Wars Ix Trailer Roll It Again

CHICAGO – "Star Wars: Episode Ix" wraps upwardly the current film trilogy – and the entire Skywalker saga begun 42 years ago. And Friday finally brought a first teaser trailer and a title for the highly anticipated motion picture, "The Rise of Skywalker," at Star Wars Celebration.

The mega-popular franchise's 4-day convention offered a 1000 stage to respond fans' most called-for questions about the terminal chapter (in theaters Dec. 20) to the story line George Lucas introduced in 1977. Director J.J. Abrams, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy and surprise attendees including Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Oscar Isaac held court at a panel dedicated to "Episode Ix" before the large reveal.

"Star Wars" stalwarts have been starving for a kickoff trailer, intel on where heroes like Ridley's Rey and Boyega'southward Finn go after "The Concluding Jedi," and news about how Marker Hamill and the belatedly Carrie Fisher gene into the new movie.

Seen here in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi," lightsaber-wielding heroine Rey (Daisy Ridley) returns in "Episode IX."

12:06: Abrams brings out BB-8's new droid buddy D-O. Abrams introduces a teaser trailer. The oversupply goes bonkers when the title "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" is revealed, and the teaser shows scenes of Rey flipping over Kylo Ren's TIE fighter, lightsaber in mitt; Lando piloting the Falcon once more; Leia embracing Rey; a voiceover of Luke saying "It'south never the terminate," and a creepy laugh that sounds an awful lot like Ian McDiarmid's Emperor Palpatine. Then McDiarmid appears on the phase and announces, "Curl it once more." And they exercise.

More:John Boyega has thoughts virtually 'The Rise of Skywalker' title: 'I've got questions, man'

11:59: Abrams and Kennedy talk nearly shooting in Jordan for three weeks. New creatures are on the way, including a friend to the Resistance named Klad.

11:56: Suotamo shouts out his mentor – and OG Chewie – Peter Mayhew. Suotamo'southward doing a lot of roars. "Chewie is a duty for me at this signal," he says, sharing a behind-the-scenes picture with him holding up his little kid.

11:51: An emotional Kelly Marie Tran gets a ton of thank you. Rose's thoughts on the Falcon as a mechanic: "Information technology's pretty absurd," Tran says. More kissing? "All I tin can say is Finn's a very eligible bachelor." Abrams says one of the greatest things Rian Johnson did was cast Tran in "Last Jedi."

xi:46: Ridley turned 27 Wed and everybody sings happy birthday to her. Has Rey read the Jedi books? "They are pretty large," she says. Likewise: "The lightsaber she inherited from Luke lives." Any new tricks? "In that location are some extraordinary things that the character and Daisy did," Abrams says. "Yes, there are another things." Ridley can confirm at that place are no more one-half-naked Kylo shots in "Episode IX."

11:42: Better airplane pilot, Han or Poe? "No one can airplane pilot the Millennium Falcon similar Han. However, Poe tin literally fly annihilation," Isaac says. Poe takes his dear for Finn "very seriously."

11:40: Boyega says Finn is now a "full-fledged Resistance sexy young man." He says Phasma is dead. Colbert hints at a honey triangle between Finn, Rose and Rey. "And there's Poe, too!" he says. "Finn is fit and fix to mingle."

11:36: Ackie describes getting the call. "I yelped!" she says. Her dad was also very excited. "My dad was telling me to shush because I was talking besides loud on the phone." Ackie plays Jannah. Is she Lando's daughter? He's so charming that "he could take children all over space." (She didn't say no!)

11:34: And here comes pretty much everyone else: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Joonas Suotamo, Kelly Marie Tran, new star Naomi Ackie and BB-8, naturally. Colbert asks the crowd to end cheering for BB-8 so he can get to questions.

xi:27: Next up is Lando Calrissian himself, Baton Dee Williams! "I'm a very lucky person. I didn't expect to be in this little adventure," he says. "I concluded upward working with somebody who I accept a tremendous regard for: J.J. Abrams. I honey his proper noun. He's a beautiful young human being." Williams regards this every bit a "genuine highlight in my life." Was it easy to get back to character? "Lando never left me." Abrams says his first scene was with a group and everybody was wowed. He does go "sick and tired of being defendant of betraying Han Solo. He was up against Darth Vader! He had to effigy something out." Colbert adds: "In retrospect, he's the hero of all nine movies."

11:twenty: Hither comes some bandage members: Anthony Daniels and one-time pal R2-D2. "He is the voice of reason," Daniels says of his 3-PO. "He is the one who tells you you're in danger. And what does anybody tell him over nine movies? 'Shut up.' Well, I'one thousand here to tell you, 'Enough!' " Daniels announces that he'south got a book coming out.

11:nineteen: Abrams confirms the new picture doesn't pick upward correct where "Last Jedi" left off ("Some time has passed"), but "this is an adventure the group goes on together."

eleven:15: Colbert brings up interviewing Carrie Fisher. Abrams says they couldn't "fill the void. ... She was glorious and amazing." The "weird miracle" was they had unused scenes from "Forcefulness Awakens" and found a way for her to exist in it. "What if we could write scenes around her? The crazy affair is, emotionally, every mean solar day it hits me that she's not here, simply it'south surreal because nosotros're working with her yet. ... Princess Leia lives in this film in a way that's heed-blowing to me."

11:xiii: It'southward forty years later on Lucas started, and to proceed it relevant "it has to feel of its time," Kennedy says. They've taken to heart everything that inspired Lucas. "This moving-picture show is about this new generation and what they've inherited, the light and the night," Abrams adds.

11:xi: Abrams says he "can't wait for people to come across" what's to come up. He's in editing room now and "things are going pretty well so far."

11:10: "The affair I think nigh all the time is the responsibility we accept," Kennedy says. Lucas said this was the third act of a three-act structure and this is it, she confirms. "What you're going to terminate upward seeing, you're going to be then happy with." And Abrams "cares more than anyone I know."

eleven:08: Colbert says he was on the "Episode IX" set: "Oh, the things I know." He introduces Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams, who get a continuing ovation.

11:07: Colbert: "Am I actually at this panel right at present? Isn't information technology possible ... I'1000 Force-projecting myself on this stage? Come on, just try to strike me down." He'south nodding to Luke Skywalker in "The Last Jedi." Colbert feels like the Luke from the original motion picture: "I was once that kid. And on my best days, I still am."

xi:04: The console begins with a montage of behind-the-scenes footage from other movies that's absolutely arctic-inducing. And our host comes out ... Stephen Colbert!


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