Why won't my Juul hit? How do you make clean your Juul? How exercise you lot gear up a leaky Juul pod? How long does it accept to accuse the bombardment? We've done a round up of the most common bug and the simplest fixes for Juul users.

Juul'southward smokeless tobacco alternative has become pop for many reasons. It doesn't require a lighter, offers more than bang for your buck and comes in a smaller bundle than traditional tobacco products. But they do have one added frustration: technical difficulties.

Below are a few common issues Juul users feel. "Why won't a Juul striking?" may exist the almost common, but there's enough of other issues users face. Sometimes all it needs is a quick cleaning, or tapping a pod to get rid of air bubbles. Other issues can't be easily fixed, but in that location are ways to get a refund. Hither's how to resolve some of the near common problems with your Juul:

Juul Electronic Cigarette Safe Nicotine
A human being exhaling fume from an electronic cigarette in Washington, DC on Oct 2, 2018. - In just iii years, the electronic cigarette manufacturer Juul has swallowed the American market place with its vaporettes in the shape of a USB key. Its success represents a public health dilemma for wellness government in the United States and elsewhere. EVA HAMBACH/AFP/Getty Images

Why won't my Juul hit?

According to the manufacturer, one of the near common reasons a Juul won't hit is that it needs to be charged. If your Juul won't hit endeavor charging the device by putting it on the magnetic charger for an hr for a full charge before trying other troubleshooting fixes.

If your Juul is fully charged but still won't hit, then it's time to try a few other approaches. If the device isn't producing any vapor effort to make clean the contacts where the pod fits into the Juul. We have more info on cleaning your Juul below.

The company also advises that users try and eliminate whatever small air bubbles that might be in the pod. To practice this, remove the Juul pod then tap it on a table with the mouthpiece pointing upwards to remove the bubbles. If that even so doesn't work, users should try a dissimilar pod. If yous believe your Juul won't striking because of a faulty pod, we have more than info on getting a refund beneath.

Juul Electronic Cigarette Are the Pods Safe
Electronic cigarettes and pods by Juul, the nation's largest maker of vaping products, are offered for sale at the Smoke Depot on September thirteen, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois. The Nutrient and Drug Administration (FDA) has ordered e-cigarette product makers to devise a plan to keep their devices away from minors, declaring use by teens has reached an "epidemic proportion". Scott Olson/Getty Images

Are Juuls safe?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise that east-cigarettes, like Juuls, are not rubber for kids, teens, young adults, pregnant women and adults who don't already utilise tobacco products. "If yous've never smoked or used other tobacco products or eastward-cigarettes, don't outset," says the CDC website.

Juul Contains Nicotine
Nicotine is an addictive substance that tin be constitute in all Juul pods, besides as most due east-cigarettes. Juul/Newsweek

Is there nicotine in Juul pods?

Juuls, like almost east-cigarettes accept nicotine in them. Nicotine is addictive and studies show it can damage the young and nevertheless developing brain in adolescence. The Juul pods from Juul all have nicotine in them, " At this fourth dimension all our JUULpods include nicotine," co-ordinate to the Juul website. The concentration of the nicotine is about 5% nicotine by weight.

A study in the Journal of Pediatrics showed that four in 10 teens who said they were smoking non-nicotine products had chemic traces of it in their urine, indicating that they didn't know what they were smoking.

Can smoking eastward-cigarettes help people quit smoking cigarettes?

Due to the fact that e-cigarettes are so new, there is very little research in whether they can help people stop smoking tobacco. The devices are not approved past the FDA as an aid to quit smoking, said the CDC.

Why Won't Juul Pod Hit Safe Cleaning
Cleaning your Juul can become a long way if you want to keep it working properly. Juul/Newsweek

How to clean your Juul:

Cleaning a Juul doesn't involve much and it's pretty quick and painless, but a cleaning can go a long way for keeping it working properly and charging correctly. Users will need a cotton fiber swab and some rubbing alcohol. The user should squeeze any actress liquid off of the q-tip earlier using it to make clean off the metal contacts.

Why is my Juul leaking and how to fix it, or get a refund?

If a pod is leaking the first affair users should effort is puffing on their Juul more gently every bit to not force whatever of the liquid out. Don't bite or squeeze the pods at all. The Juul website has a whole troubleshooting page specifically for helping users deal with leaky pods. How to fix it depends partially on when the leak occurred so users get-go need to select whether it happened in the package, in the device or during use.

  • If users are experiencing their Juul pod leaking while information technology's in the device, accept a pocket-size puff and then remove the pod and set the Juul and pod aside to dry. Users should also be sure to clean the contacts in the pod, every bit described above.
  • If it happens while the device is in apply the company advises taking a gentle puff and then tapping information technology on a tissue before wiping it off and putting the pod back into the Juul.
  • If the pods are leaking in their package before fifty-fifty existence added to the Juul the user should but wipe them off. If the leaking is significant, the user should contact Juul and file a replacement request. Users should keep the pod though.
Why Won't Juul Pod Hit Battery Life Lights Colors
The colored lights on your Juul betoken the corporeality of bombardment level. Juul/Newsweek

What practice the colors on the Juul hateful? How Do You Turn a Juul Off?

Turning a Juul on and off might exist puzzling for offset-time users because there are no buttons on the device. Users merely need to utilize it, or "draw" on it, to get it working. Otherwise, information technology defaults to an "off" position.

The colored lights on the device indicate battery level and pull strength while a user draws on the device. Tapping on the device shows either a green, yellow or cherry light indicating bombardment with green being high, xanthous being medium and red beingness low.

What's "political party manner" on my Juul?

Party mode is what Juul users take dubbed the flashing blinking array of colors that popular up on the Juul when a user shakes it. The information about political party mode has all been dispersed past users, the company itself doesn't even acknowledge that party manner exists on its site. Some users have complained of their Juul getting stuck in party fashion. Reddit Juulers say hitting their device against the palm of their hand, or flicking it like a coin, helps to turn off political party mode.

Juul charging bug: How long does the battery final? How long does it accept to accuse? What to practice if it won't accuse?

According to Juul, each full charge of a Juul lasts virtually as long as one Juulpod lasts, roughly 200 puffs. The bombardment takes well-nigh an 60 minutes to fully charge on the magnetic charger that comes with the device and then it's ready to go. The battery lasts longer if it maintains a consequent charge. Leaving it empty for long periods of fourth dimension can decrease the battery's ability.

If the battery won't charge there are a few things users can do to troubleshoot the consequence. Kickoff Juul recommends that users make certain their charger is properly plugged in, that the device is connected to the charger and that the contacts are clean. Those contacts are on the charging base and on the device as well. The company said users who are still having issues should contact the Juul care team.

Where is the serial number on my Juul?

In the event that a Juul owner has to return their device or file a report for it, they might need the serial number. They tin find the eight-digit number and alphabetic character combination underneath the logo on the back of the device. The number zilch, not the letter of the alphabet O, is used.

Can you bring a Juul on an plane?

Juul recommends that flyers check with TSA and full general drome rules before trying to fly with their device. The TSA says that electronic cigarettes and vaping devices are not immune in checked bags just they tin be kept in the aircraft cabin if they're in a purse or on the traveler. They can't be used on the flight though. "Exposure to extreme distance changes, like flying on a airplane, may cause slight leakage in JUULpods particularly if they are partially used. We recommend not flying with partially used pods or disposing of them earlier getting on a airplane and using a fresh one when you land," according to Juul.